SEO Complete Guide For Startup | OffShootTech.Com


Seo Complete Guide For Startup

Search Engine Optimization is the technique used to optimize your website to rank on the top in an organic search by a search engine.
A Search engine is a function that performs searching in its database based on the keywords provided by the users and provides results to the users based on his search criteria.

This guide is focused to help new to the topic Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and the webmasters who wish to improve their site’s Ranking on the Search Engine like Google.

We have provided step-by-step Guide that will help your website to Rank on top and make it easier for search Engines to Crawl and index your website on the search results.

Search Engine Optimization is basically making your website with some small modification to improve your site that impacts your site’s experience and ranking in organic search on search engines.
You should be optimizing your website based on the visitors to your site.
This Tutorial basically designed for startups that are growing their online blog or business on search engines especially Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Step-By-Step Guide for SEO to improve site ranking, increase visitors to your site, and make your website available in organic search
Note: Before we start, I hope you are aware of some basic web design technologies like HTML, CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), PHP etc.
1.     Unique and Best Suitable Title for website basically a title of a webpage indicates what the page is all about. Each page of a website should have a unique title that should describe what the page is all about.

(<title> Title Goes Here </title>)

Page Title contents & descriptions are shown in the search result

When user searches for a query in Google search bar the search word basically shown as bold the blue title shown above in the search result is the title for the home page for the blog

After clicking on the first search result, the title is shown at the top of the browser.

·        A page title should be appropriate and relevant to the page's content.

·        We should not use the default title; always we should try to put a most suitable title on our blog or website.
·        Each page of your website or blog should be different, unique and relevant to the page's content. Don’t use the same title for the different pages.

·      Page title should be short and descriptive, always try to use most relevant keywords.

·      Page title is the most important part of a website so choose it carefully as it affects the organic search result.

2.     Using the Meta Tag as of now we have discussed the title tag, let tell you about the Meta tag, as like title tag, we include Meta tag also in the head section of the web page.

Meta tag basically gives the description of the page, unlike a page’s title a meta tag is a long description about the page may contain group of words or sentences like a paragraph.

A meta description is the important aspect of a webpage. Each webpage should contain a different meta tag description.

If you place a good meta tag description Google will show the description and page snippet in the search result, otherwise, if it is not as per the search engine expectation it will choose a different section of your page which best describes your blog or website. 

Words present in the meta description will be bolded in the organic search result if users type the same in the search bar of the search engine and is helpful to the user to understand whether the result best matches their search result or not.

So from the above explanations, we come to the conclusion that:
·        We should never use a non-relevant meta description for any of the pages, as it could affect the ranking in the search result.
·        We must not use the default Meta description for a pages meta tag. For ex. “welcome to our webpage”.
·        We should never use the many keywords in the meta tag.
·        We should never use the contents of the page as the meta description.

We Should always use a unique and different meta description for all the pages.

3.     Using Simple URL’s make users and search engine easy to understand the content of the webpage. It is also helpful to easily understand your website structure to the search engine crawlers which affects the search ranking and improves search ranking.

User-friendly URL’s helps visitors to understand the content of the webpage and recognize easily by the users and search engine.

Also, the URL’s displayed in the search result of the search engine.

Same as the keyword search in the result shown as a bold character in the snippet, the URL also displayed in the bold character.

Forex. We have searched hacking-tricks on website have seen that the URL is displayed in the search result snippet.
So here we can simply be understood that the URL structure also affects the SEO and ranking on the search engine.

User-friendly and search engine friendly URL is best performers on the search index.

URL should be completely relevant to the content of the webpage and contains keywords used in the page easy to remember by the visitors, it will keep the visitors active on your blog or website.

Things you should avoid while editing the URL:

·        An URL must not be lengthy which users have any difficulty in remembering the words contained in it.

·        Should not be default page names like “webpage.html”. good and useful URL will look like “how-to-create-a-blog.html”.

·        Using hyphen(“-“) keywords in the URL is a good idea we should always follow for editing an URL.

·        Should always contain main content keywords in it, otherwise using un-useful URL leads to falling down the ranking of your website.

·        Should always use a well-organized directory structure for the different category products on your website, a single webpage should be accessible by a single URL is a good idea for this, and the same page should not be accessible from two different URL.

1.     Page Navigation is another very important aspect of the website. The navigation is the simplest way of how a user and search engine is interacting with your website. As like a blueprint of a building or a sitemap to a website or a web app, there should be a good navigation structure of your website too.

The simplest way is to create specific categories based on the web page contents and put all your pages of different types in different categories.

Homepage a website is the main page from where user gets forwarded to different contents of the website, so all the pages or categories must have linked to the home page.

Very deep links must not be used, we must use simple site structure as shown below.

Here in the above image, The page is divided into three levels, Home -> Networking -> web Based Linux administration: Webmin
Here Networking is the category.

A user should easily navigate to some content on your page and should return back to the home page or some other content from that page.

The URL of the website must be structured such a way that… suppose a user by mistakes removes some part of the URL, users must not see a 404! Error! Or page not found an error.

As this gives a bad impression to the visitors, and the visitor might dissociate from your website to some other similar websites.

 customer relation is a very important aspect of an online business, so losing customers just because of a simple error on your website will make you lose some dollars also.

A Sitemap as already explained earlier on the previous page is nothing but simply a blueprint of your website which contains everything related to your website in it, for ex. Pages, Categories, Labels, Posts etc.

Basically, a sitemap if of two kindly based on different uses of it.

·        XML Sitemap it basically used to search engine to understand your site’s blueprint, a search engine goes through a sitemap to know the complete structure of a website.

·        HTML Sitemap is basically a webpage with an extension of “.html” helps users to understand the site’s structure, provide all the links on the website on a single page. These links are divided into different respective categories.

Every website on the internet must have these two types of Sitemaps.
Anyone can simply create a sitemap by following the below link:

Visit our Html-Sitemap and XML-Sitemap for yourself to understand the difference.

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