Make money with google ads on your website


Hello Friends  I am going to reveal the secrete of making money from your website or blog .
I know you have already view many sites and blogs to make money online , but you haven’t satisfied completely. Here I am going to give a genuine option for making money by your blog .
I know you have visited many websites of different categories all  have showing adds on their webpages
Google provides ads to show on your  websites  and earn money when visitors of the site click on those ads .
Google Adsense is the best way to generating ads on your site. The Google provides a good money for displaying ads on your blog or webpage.
But it is not easy to get Adsense approved account . here I am going to give the best way of displaying google ads on your blog without having  Adsense approved account.

Here u r provided with some script ,

<script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-6304554734981965"; /* Webx Sponsors */ google_ad_slot = "1188081438"; google_ad_width = 336; google_ad_height = 280; //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""> </script>

 just  copy the script given below and follow these steps :
1:> Go to your blog/website “edit html” tab
2:> Paste the code where u want to display ads
3:> save changes and wait for a minute
Now u will see the ads are displaying on your blog,

Now how will u get paid when visitors click on the add??
The answer is as per the visitors click and page ranking of your blog of your website the estimated money will be sent to you by a check .
Just Click on the tab “CONTACT US” and provide your .
After a week or a month u will get the income estimated from your webpages.